Легкоатлетический зимний марафон имени Виктора Александровича Дутова проводится в Екатеринбурге в феврале с 1998 года Регистрация на марафонскую дистанцию - 42 км 195 м - - https://myrace.info/events/1002
This section contains all the running activities, the varieties of which are now quite a lot:
Athletics is a collection of sports, including cross-country types, race walking, technical types (jumping and throwing), all-around, running (highway running) and cross-country (cross-country running terrain).
Trail-running - running through natural terrain, natural trails. At a free pace or for a while. Includes elements of cross-country and mountain running, and wins more and more fans around the world.
Mountain running - running along a predetermined track, which lies in a mountainous area, with the aim of reaching the finish line as soon as possible.
Sky-running - speed climbing, altitude running. Competitions are held on the mountains of a certain height and slope.