Orgeo – Online entry and results system

Слет-соревнование "Школа безопасности" среди учащихся г.о. Истра

Sport tourism, climbing Local
Registration finished 13.04.2023 23:55 MSK


Рагим Гаджиев
+79035739650 Гаджиев Рагим

Event subs (program)

  • 15.04.2023 (Сб) - ШБ.

Participating groups

Age is determined: will be at the date of the event
  • Младшая группа – up to 8 people - 6-8 человек – Both genders in a team 11-14 years – up to 8 people
  • Старшая группа – up to 8 people - 6-8 человек – Both genders in a team 12-16 years – up to 8 people
  • Судьи – up to 8 people - Судья от команды – 16-90 years – up to 8 people

Additional information