Orgeo – Online entry and results system


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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
10-15.06.2024 - Областной профильный палаточный лагерь "77-й туристский слет"
Nekrasovskij rajon » Политехник
closed 143
17-22.06.2024 - Областной профильный палаточный лагерь "Служить Отечеству- честь имею!"
Nekrasovskij rajon » Спортивная база (Политехник)
Межрегиональные соревнования по спортивному туризму на конных дистанциях
28-30.06.2024 - Межрегиональные соревнования по спортивному туризму на конных дистанциях
Moskovskaja » Solnechnogorskij rajon » ПГТ Поварово, КСК Баллада
Межрегиональные соревнования по спортивному туризму на конных дистанциях

Sport tourism, climbing

This category shows similar sports associated with the conquest of natural landscapes. Although these sports are managed by separate federations, they still have common origins and common fans (participants).

Sport tourism is a sport based on competitions in distance disciplines or on routes that include overcoming categorical obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, caves, rapids, etc.) and on artificial relief . By types, sports tourism is divided into hiking, skiing, mountain, caving, cycling, boating, etc.

Rock Climbing - a sport and a type of outdoor activity that consists of climbing (natural) or artificial (climbing wall) .

Mountaineering includes many types: ice climbing, ski mountaineering, skyrunning, etc. We have skyrunning in a separate category of running sports for easy tracking of starts.