Orgeo – Online entry and results system


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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
11-21.07.2024 - Фестиваль спортивного ориентирования "Алоль-2024"
Pskovskaja » Pustoshkinskij rajon » д.Вербилово
Соревнования по спортивному ориентированию "Кубок города Апатиты"
21.07.2024 - Соревнования по спортивному ориентированию "Кубок города Апатиты"
Apatity » Дорога на Аэропорт (1,2км )
Кросс-классика. Место старта указано в карте!


Orienteering is a sport in which participants with a compass and map must pass a given number of control points (KP), located on a rugged or urban area, in the shortest possible time. Orientation is a very interesting sport that supports and develops not only the physical, but also the mental state of a person. Orientation is carried out in different disciplines:

  • Foot orienteering
  • Ski orienteering
  • MTB orienteering
  • Trail-O
  • sports labyrinth (Orient-show) - a new spectacular type of orienteering on small venues